Speaker Luncheon Series III - Role of Public Consultation 
in Urban Regeneration

The Harbour Business Forum, in partnership with the British Council, held a luncheon on the Role of Public Consultation in Urban Regeneration. The international speakers were:

a) The London Olympics -
global agendas and local perspectives
By Mr. Steve McAdam; Founder and Director, Fluid UK

Fluid is part of the London Olympic 2012 masterplanning team responsible for all aspects of stakeholder consultation, public sector engagement and responsive masterplanning. We looked at how participatory design has led the masterplanning of the winning London 2012 Olympics masterplan which takes into account of the short term needs of the Olympics and the ‘legacy plans' to serve the long term needs of the existing and surrounding neighborhoods, based on public engagements and consultations.

Key points:

Community participation at early stage to help form brief
Extensive programs , varied scale, and use of different forms of media to connect with all levels of community
Continual feedback to community
Systematic analysis of information to extract information

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b) Big Drops in Small Ponds: 
creating movements for local change
By Mr. David Barrie; Executive Producer Channel 4 Television UK,
Member of the Project Castleford Steering Group

A look at the process of a community-driven regeneration of the former coal-mining town of Castleford, Yorkshire, UK. The project is on site with work commissioned from leading architects, landscape designers and visual artists from around the world. Starting with a grant of HK$1.4m from Channel 4, the project has leveraged ?180m (HK$ 2.5bn) of additional new investment in to the town and engaged thousands of local people in the renewal of their community. 

Key points:

Encourage community participation and ownership – federal support structure
Encourage self-organisation
Create positive investment climate
Connect regeneration with consumer economy & popular culture
Importance of visible progress
Self-realisation = Connected people = spirit of inclusion = new identity

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