Hong Kong Institute of Planners' Certificate of Merit - Harbourfront Connectivity Study

In addition to gaining recognition from the Hong Kong Government, HBF’s “Harbour Connectivity Study” (by Urban Design & Planning Consulting Ltd.,Marterplan Ltd., and Scott Wilson) has also been awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners in October 2008. Elanna Tam, HBF Project Director, collected the award during HKIP’s Gala dinner on October 16. On behalf of HBF, BEC also sent press releases to the media as well as e-newsletters to members to announce our accomplishment.
According to HKIP, the Study presents a comprehensive proposal for various small-scale improvement works that could be carried out in many areas along the harbour-front. It illustrates a good effort and initiative taken by an individual organization as a community project that may have positive impact on the planning for the harbour-front. The Panel considered that the attempt and intention of the Study commendable. The practical and innovative ideas presented could serve as good reference for Government departments to take forward proposals in providing improvement to our harbour-front.