Harbour Business Forum's Harbour Values Study examines the value of improved planning and development of Victoria Harbour in order to demonstrate the value of community preferences that lie outside considerations of the costs and revenues of development. This is the first time such a study has 
been undertaken for Hong Kong and the outcome provides a new and powerful view of our Harbour's value.
  • Study examines value of harbour improvements
  • Community values harbour improvements at $73 billion and $69 billion under two alternative scenarios
  • Land values of alternative scenarios for the central reclamation range from $8.5 billion to $37.3 billion
  • Case study results assist in understanding the trade-offs in harbour planning and development
  • Wider policy implications suggest revisiting priorities for planning and development of the harbour

High dollar value provides evidence to Hong Kong's decision-makers that Harbour planning and development is a priority and Government revenue-generating land uses may not be the best solution for the Harbourfront.