The Patrons Committee serves as the Harbour Business Forum Board and retains overall directional and policy control. It comprises Patron Member representatives and is responsible for guiding the progress of the HBF, defining the terms of reference, committing funding and providing ongoing oversight through the appointment of their senior representatives.
The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing the strategic development, as well as approval of project funding for HBF’s projects. Committee members include senior representatives from HBF’s membership and the chair of the Best Practice Committee.
Best Practice Committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the research agenda and engaging HBF's membership in the preparation of research and position papers. Committee members include professional services firms, including engineers, architects, planners and business consultants.
The Secretariat
Business Environment Council provides Secretariat support to the Harbour Business Forum. The Secretariat coordinates the implementation of the Harbour Business Forum's work and communication plans. It provides support to the Patrons, Executive and Best Practice Committees, and ensures the effective and smooth operation of the Forum.
Maggie Lam, Coordinator - Harbour Business Forum Maggie is responsible for the Harbour Business Forum Secretariat. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the Forum and is responsible for the implementation of the Forum's work and communication plans and provides support to the Patrons, Executive and Best Practice Committees. She also manages events, the HBF budget and website.