The Harbour Business Forum (HBF) has recently completed a study report titled "Integrated Harbour Vision and Delivery Plan – the Business Case"  which sets out a new integrated and holistic approach to the planning, development and management of Victoria Harbour. The goal is to see Hong Kong’s harbour and harbour-front areas become a genuinely vibrant, accessible and sustainable world class asset.

The Study calls for an entirely new approach to harbour planning, development and management, including the establishment of an overarching responsible body. The Study sets out HBF's vision of what the harbour, one of Hong Kong's greatest assets, could do for Hong Kong.  The Delivery Plan shows how that vision can be realised through a series of step by step actions based on a new integrated approach.  The new approach comprises six key components:

  1. Policy commitment to prioritise the harbour to establish direction and leadership
  2. A vision to unite all stakeholders in a common goal and agreed targets
  3. A strategic framework to show how actions on the ground link back to the vision and vice-versa
  4. A strategic plan to show how the vision will be realised
  5. The establishment of an overarching responsible body so that a single party is both responsible and accountable
  6. Changes to the planning and delivery system to support the implementation of the strategic plan and provide the responsible body with authority and management tools