在這 裡可以找到有關海港的最新消息 
日期 標題
15.10.2015 Some film industry representatives boycott controversial Avenue of Stars consultation (南華早報)
13.10.2015 閉門開會傾活化星光大道 與會者轟康文署誤導 (蘋果日報)
08.10.2015 TST’s Avenue of Stars to close on Thursday for three­year revitalisation works  (香港自由新聞)
08.09.2015 Avenue of Stars decision still looking cloudy (英文虎報)
05.09.2015 Hong Kong developer to start revamp of Avenue of Stars next month, despite doubts over expansion plan  (南華早報)
13.08.2015 尖沙咀海旁擬活化 反對意見多 (香港商報)
11.08.2015 增海濱人流忌變彌敦道 (星島日報)
20.07.2015 中環灣仔繞道料2017陸續竣工 (香港商報)
19.07.2015 東區海濱拖延發展 海旁荒廢成釣友陷阱 (東方日報) 
15.07.2015 尖沙咀海旁研活化 增商業樓面 (香港商報)
26.06.2015 行政長官委任新一屆海濱事務委員會成員 (香港政府新聞網)
09.06.2015 Public-private partnership needed for Hong Kong's harbourfront to thrive (南華早報)
02.06.2015 Marine name plate artefact enforces HMS Tamar find in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour (南華早報)
22.05.2015 灣仔疑似沉船殘骸 土木署指或屬添馬艦 (蘋果日報)
22.05.2015 Hong Kong's new harbourfront authority advised to put financial freedom over profit (南華早報)
05.05.2015 Star Ferry to provide new attraction at Central waterfront (信報)
01.05.2015 Hong Kong group loses bid to limit legal costs in harbourfront land challenge (南華早報)
27.04.2015 Brisbane shows where Hong Kong's harbourfront has gone wrong (南華早報)
17.04.2015 油塘工業區 倡開放海濱長廊 (香港經濟日報)
07.03.2015 美食車可以海濱作試點 (星島日報)
06.10.2014 「淨化海港計劃」隧道 穿越維港全面貫 (香港政府新聞網)
05.10.2014 發展局局長陳茂波 - 談成立海濱管理局 (香港政府新聞網)
16.05.2014   Toxic air fears over PLA warships moored in Victoria Harbour  (南華早報)
16.05.2014   發展局局長陳茂波-積極推展填海研究  (香港政府新聞網)
06.04.2014   Mystery deepens over giant Hong Kong ferris wheel overlooking harbour  (南華早報)
27.02.2014   Public will wait 40 years for full access to Victoria Harbour, says study  (南華早報)
14.03.2010   Toask Rack: that sinking feeling  (南華早報)
12.03.2010 Civic experts a fount of wisdom for officials  (南華早報)
08.03.2010 Study finds waterfront facilities badly lacking  (南華早報)
01.12.2009 Plan unveiled for truly world class waterfront – New body can save our ‘ailing’ harbour  (英文虎報)
01.12.2009 海港商界促訂保育方案  (星島日報)
01.12.2009 Entirely new approach needed to realise harbour’s true potential  (南華早報)
01.12.2009 Cut land premiums to revitalise harbour  (南華早報)
01.12.2009      海港乏規劃 削競爭力  (東方日報)