2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Diary of Past Events

25 Feb 2010 Speaker Luncheon XIX - Victoria Harbour Marine Use and Land-Water Interfaces

This was the third time HBF engaged students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Massachusetts, USA, for research on the harbour.  This year, the study focused on the leisure and recreational marine uses and related land-water interfaces in Victoria Harbour.

The goal of the study was to develop a set of recommendations to make Victoria Harbour into a “living” harbour – one that is actively used for a diversity of land- and water-related activities.  To achieve this goal, the study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, the students created a database with the locations and descriptions of the existing marine infrastructure in Victoria Harbour. In the second phase, they developed a forecast of the changes in marine activities and infrastructure requirements over the next 15 years and recommendations to improve the marine infrastructure in the harbour.  



Presentation - Part 1

Presentation - Part 2

Full Report - Part 1

Full Report - Part 2

Report - Executive Summary


7 Jan 2010 Speaker Luncheon Series XVIII - Integrated Harbour Vision and Delivery Plan – The Business Case 

Fiona Waters, Director of GHK, presented the results of the HBF’s latest study report titled an “Integrated Harbour Vision and Delivery Plan – The Business Case”.  The study calls for an entirely new approach to harbour planning, development and management, including the establishment of an overarching responsible body.  The study sets out HBF’s vision of what the harbour, one of Hong Kong’s greatest assets, could do for Hong Kong.  The Delivery Plan shows how that vision can be realised through a series of step by step actions based on the new integrated approach.


Presentation Download


18 Aug 2009 Presentation of the HBF's Draft Integrated Harbour Vision and Plan for Victoria Harbour Study

GHK has given a presentation on the draft findings of the HBF's Integrated Harbour Vision and Delivery Plan Study on August 18. Commissioned in December 2008 and undertaken by GHK, the study pulls all of the HBF's previous works together into a single document which:

Presents for the first time HBF's Vision for Victoria Harbour
Presents HBF's Integrated Strategy for delivering this Vision
Clearly articulates the rationale for delivery and why a new approach makes good business sense

What is so different about this Study is that it focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of the problem.  The findings have been shaped through a series of highly-productive joint HBF-Government workshops held during the course of the study.  Attended by senior government officials and members of HBF, such dialogues have been crucial to fostering greater understanding on both sides and creating a more receptive mindset about the need for change.

16 Jul 2009 Integrated Harbour Vision and Plan for Victoria Harbour Study - Workshop #3: A Practical Action Plan for a Better Harbour

The last workshop, as workshop #3, was held on July 16 for discussion of the topic "A practical action plan for a better harbour".  The aims of this workshop were:

To identify and agree an Action Plan which would be used to inform the preparation of HBF’s strategic priorities and Vision for Victoria Harbour.
To identify and agree HBF’s preferred institutional model for the planning, delivery and management of the harbour.

The workshop was well attended with more than 30 participants including a mix of HBF and government representatives.  They have contributed valuable opinions and insights which will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the report.

30 Apr 2009 Integrated Harbour Vision and Plan for Victoria Harbour Study - Workshop #2: Strategic Priorities and Delivery Mechanisms

The purposes of the second workshop were to explore and evaluate a series of strategic priorities, articulate the vision for improved planning and development of Victoria Harbour and consider the institutional changes that might be necessary to deliver the vision and action plan.  Similar to the last workshop held on 18 February, 2009, GHK, consultant for the study gave presentation on their work undertaken in stage 2 of this study and following that, participants discussed strategy priorities and institutional options during the breakout sessions.

It was a good and positive workshop.  Participants, including local business leaders and senior government officials, made valuable contributions and shared their thoughts during the two discussion sessions.  The collected views would be analysed and form the background of the final report.  Two more workshops for the Integrated Harbour Study will be held and the next is in early July.


25 Feb 2009 Speaker Luncheon Series XVII - Visiting students and their HK harbour-front story 

At the luncheon hosted by HBF on 25 February 2009, four students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Massachusetts, USA, presented their findings and recommendations at the conclusion of their visits to 48 sites along the Victoria Harbour, owned and operated by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), in January and February, 2009. 

The students had conducted site observations, user and resident surveys, and hotel staff interviews to assess how well each of the sites met the criteria of accessibility, connectivity, quality, and design and maintenance. Based on the findings, they have made the following key recommendations to enhance Victoria Harbour to become a genuinely vibrant and well-used area.

Signs should be added between the transport drop-off point and the site, and between disconnected and nearby sites to increase the ease of travel.
More food services should be provided, as only 33% of sites have such services.
Installation of facilities or equipment to allow a variety of activities at the sites
More shaded seating should be provided.
Chain-link fences with barbed wire should be removed or changed to more aesthetically pleasing fences.

The students have also made specific suggestions to improve each of the 48 LCSD sites.  Please see the following presentation for details.

Presentation Download

Full Report - Part 1

Full Report - Part 2

18 Feb 2009                                    Integrated Harbour Vision and Plan for Victoria Harbour Study - Workshop #1: The Business Case for Change and Analysis of the Existing Solution 

The Harbour Business Forum (HBF) is currently conducting an Integrated Harbour Vision and Plan for Victoria Harbour Study, which will review the findings of the many harbour related plans and proposals that have been completed in the last decade by both Government and private sector organisations and draw on them to create an integrated vision for the harbour, together with proposals on how such a vision can be implemented.

In this connection, the HBF held its first workshop, which forms part of the Study and is one of a series of four, on 18 February 2009.  The purpose of this workshop was to identify a list of priority constraints and opportunities in harbour planning and development from the perspective of government officials and the business community.  These constraints and opportunities will form the platform for developing the vision and the options for implementation that will be explored in the next workshop scheduled for late April.

Over 20 participants, including senior government officials and business leaders, attended the workshop and provided valuable insights into topics in relation to the planning and development of harbourfront areas along Victoria Harbour.   


13 Nov 2008 Speaker Luncheon Series XVI - Beautifying the Harbourfront

Prof. Hon. Patrick Lau, Legislative Council Member for the Architectural, Surveying and Planning Functional Constituency, gave a presentation on “Beautifying the Harbourfront” at the luncheon. He shared the experience  of Bilbao, which originally was an industrial city in Spain and now is transformed to a world class city after it had successfully implemented the Strategic Plan for the  Revitalization of Metropolitan Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum on the waterfront is an icon of architectural expression and waterfront revitalization.  Bilbao’s image was changed forever because of its waterfront developments.

The lesson Hong Kong can learn, in Prof. Lau’s opinion, is that the Hong Kong Harbourfront should be transformed into an innovative mixed-use harbourfront that offers a full range of activities for year-round enjoyment of residents and visitors.

Presentation Download


16 Oct 2008

Hong Kong Institute of Planners' Certificate of Merit - Harbourfront Connectivity Study

In addition to gaining recognition from the Hong Kong Government, HBF’s “Harbour Connectivity Study” (by Urban Design & Planning Consulting Ltd., Marterplan Ltd., and Scott Wilson) has also been awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners in October 2008.  Elanna Tam, HBF Project Director, collected the award during HKIP’s Gala dinner on October 16.  On behalf of HBF, BEC also sent press releases to the media as well as e-newsletters to members to announce our accomplishment.

According to HKIP, the Study presents a comprehensive proposal for various small-scale improvement works that could be carried out in many areas along the harbour-front.  It illustrates a good effort and initiative taken by an individual organization as a community project that may have positive impact on the planning for the harbour-front.  The Panel considered that the attempt and intention of the Study commendable.  The practical and innovative ideas presented could serve as good reference for Government departments to take forward proposals in providing improvement to our harbour-front.


19 Sept 2008

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 9 –  Bring the Harbour to the City and the City to the Harbour

Four renowned architects from the Hong Kong Urban Design Alliance (UDA), Mr. Paul Chu, Dr. Peter Cookson Smith, Dr. Sujata Govada and Mr. Vincent Ng presented an alternative design scheme for Central Harbourfront at the Harbour Roundtable Luncheon co-organized by HBF and HKGCC.  The alternative scheme based on nine principles includes mixed open spaces, recognizable landmarks with commercially and culturally viable facilities to create a more exciting and vibrant harbourfront.  Eight destinations along the harbourfront that are integrated to the hinterland encourage people to come and spend time at the harbourfront while also enjoying the spectacular harbour view.


Presentation Download



17 Jun 2008

Speaker Luncheon Series XV - Business Opinion Survey


Senior Manager of The Nielsen Company Mr. Alan West presented the findings of a comprehensive business opinion survey on Hong Kong Harbour to over 30 guests during the luncheon.  The survey canvassed the views of 515 Hong Kong business leaders (by telephone) and was undertaken between October and November of 2007. This survey is a follow on from HBF’s Public Opinion Survey in 2006, and is the most comprehensive and statistically-significant consultation ever held with Hong Kong business leaders on their views on the harbour. Below are the top 5 findings from the survey:

  • 96% believe Victoria Harbour is a tourist attraction
  • 95% want more green areas along the Harbour-front
  • 91% consider Victoria Harbour significant in maintaining Hong Kong’s regional competitiveness
  • 90% believe that it is a symbol of Hong Kong’s prosperity and success
  • 89% support no further reclamation



15 May 2008

Speaker Luncheon Series XIV - Harbourfront Connectivity Study 

Ms. Sujata Govada of Urban Design and Planning and Mr. Ian Brownlee of Masterplan described how to identify and develop general principles and simple solutions which can be applied to all of the selected six areas. Mr. Simon Davies of Scott Wilson then presented the engineering feasibility of constructing a walkway and cycle-track in some of our selected areas.

Presentation Download


27 Mar 2008

Speaker Luncheon Series XIII - Sustainable Transport Opportunities for the Harbour-front

Mr. Fred Brown, CED of MVA, presented many exciting ideas to make Hong Kong a World Class 'Travel Friendly' city through an environmental transport strategy that includes a comprehensive pedestrian network alongside rail and road infrastructure plans already in the pipeline.

Presentation Download


13 Dec 2007

Speaker Luncheon Series XII - What is on Hong Kong's harbour?

Mr Joe Ma, a town planner and urban designer, with over 20 years of experience in UK, Hong Kong, Macau and China, has presented his extensive knowledge based on in-depth Land Use Study, which highlights the overriding need for one coherent development plan that links up all the waterfront areas.

Presentation Download


10 Oct 2007

Speaker Luncheon Series XI - The Value of the Harbour: Total Economic Value and Contingent Valuation perspectives

Prof. Bill Barron and Ms. Fiona Water have presented the findings of two HBF?s research in the area of environmental economics in respect of Victoria?s harbour at the luncheon. They have shared their views on how best to maximize the economic value of the harbour and to ensure the protection of this outstanding natural asset, for present and future generations.

Bill Barron Presentation Download


30 Aug 2007

Speaker Luncheon Series X - Guidelines for a Sustainable Hong Kong Harbour


Over 30 participants from government, business and academia attended the luncheon presented by Mr. Steven Townsend and Mr. Sylvester Wong of HOK on the HBF?s Guidelines for a Sustainable Harbour. These guidelines have been crafted to outline specific good harbour design benchmarks. It is hoped that these guidelines will inspire best practice by both the broader community and the Government. In particular, they have been structured around the three pillars of sustainable development: society (access), economics and the environment to encourage integrated planning.

Presentation Download


22 Jun 2007

Placemaking Workshop II by Fred Kent: The Power of 10: Rethinking our harbour as a vital public space

Placemaking workshop II was presented by Fred Kent, the Founder and President of Project of Public Spaces (PPS) and attracted over 30 participants including officials, city planners, architects and community-concern groups. Fred delivered a very interesting workshop and kept everyone interested. He worked with the participants to explore new ways in which to think about and improve Hong Kong’s harbour. Through the “placemaking” concepts, they were able to strengthen their capacity to analyse and recommend ways to enhance the harbour and the harbourfront.

Fred Kent Presentation Download
Sujata Govada Presentation Download
Vincent Ng Presentation Download


21 Jun 2007

Speaker Luncheon Series IX - 10 ways to improve the quality of Hong Kong’s waterfront 

Mr Fred Kent, who is a leading authority on revitalizing city spaces and one of the foremost thinkers in livability, smart growth and the future of the city, delivered a wonderful and inspired presentation on how to improve the quality of Hong Kong’s waterfront. He gave examples of good and bad examples of waterfront places around the world and described what makes a great waterfront.

Presentation Download


25 Apr 2007

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 7 – How much is the harbour worth? 

This roundtable considered how much the Harbour is worth via discussing two HBF Papers. The first paper - the Total Economic Value presented by Prof. Bill Barron, considered how we should manage and maximise both the priced and un-priced values of the harbour. The second paper - a Contingent Valuation Study given by Fiona Waters, examined the value of improved planning and development of Victoria Harbour. It attracted over 40 participants who wish to protect and improve the harbour.

Maggie Brooke's Speech Download
Bill Barron's Presentation Download
Fiona Waters' Presentation Download


28 Mar 2007                      

Speaker Luncheon Series VIII – Singapore’s waterfront rejuvenation efforts

Mr. Mark Goh, the Head of Marina Bay's Development Agency in the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) of Singapore, gave an overview of efforts in rejuvenating Singapore's urban waterfront areas including Singapore River, Tanjong Rhu and Marina Bay.

URA adopted three key strategies to improve the quality of living and to work towards realizing the vision of making Singapore a great city to live, work and play:

1) Creating an activity corridor for recreation and leisure through mixed land-uses; 
2) Mixing old and new developments, and 
3) Forging a public/private sector partnership.

Mr. Goh's excellent presentation attracted nearly 40 participants including high level government officials, business leaders and professional in different disciplines.

Speech Download


5 Dec 2006 HBF & HKGCC Harbour Walk 3 - Harbour Cruise

Over 30 participants took part at our third Harbour Walk - Harbour Cruise and Walk. We met at Queen's Pier and visited Wanchai, North Point, Quarry Bay, Kai Tak and the West Kowloon Cultural district. We disembarked at North Point and walked back towards the former Yacht club some 150 metres from the current waters-edge. Roger Nissim, Ian Brownlee and WK Chan gave us excellent overviews on each harbour area.


7 Nov 2006

HBF Member's Briefing II

HBF provided our membership an update on HBF progress and an overview of research projects. Mr. Robert Fung, Former Chair of Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation, gave a presentation on "Lessons Learned from Toronto".


7 Nov 2006 Speaker Luncheon Series VII - Lessons learned from Toronto

Mr. Robert Fung, former chair of Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation, shared his highly successful experience in revitalizing of Toronto's waterfront which provides the city with an excellent opportunity to ensure that Toronto remains among the best places in the world to live, work and visit.

Presentation Download


31 Oct 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 6 - The New Harbourfront in Wan Chai and Central 

Professionals from different disciplines joined the sixth roundtable on October 31. Mr. Leung Kong Yui, Chairman of the Sub-committee on Wan Chai Development Phase II Review (WDII) of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee (HEC), gave an overview of the concept plan which proposed diversity of uses including five precincts: Arts and Cultural, Water Park, Water Recreation, Heritage and Leisure and Recreation. The commentator, Mr. Roger Nissim of Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd, provided in-depth insight about the opportunities and challenges in the plan. In general, attendees hope the new plan will bring a vibrant and accessible harbour for business, entertainment and leisure. 

Presentation Download


25 Oct 2006

HBF's Breakfast Seminar - Virtual London and Public Participation

Professor Michael Batty presented his large scale 3D model of London. There are many significant and obvious applications of the model involving density analysis, pollution, deprivation, crime and so on which can all be mapped in 2D and visualized in 3D 

Presentation for HBF
Presentation for HK PolyU


15 Aug 2006

Kai Tak Planning Review – Preliminary Outline Development Plans

As part of the Stage 3 Public participation of the Kai Tak Planning Review, the Planning Department presented a special briefing session to members of the Harbour Business Forum and Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce to solicit their comments on the draft Preliminary Outline Development Plans (PODP). The presentation was informative and the following Q&A session was enlightening. It generated a lot of interest among the attendees.

Presentation Download


10 Jul 2006

Speaker Luncheon Series VI – Prof Carolyn Cartier

Professor Cartier introduced the value of the 'front' and 'back' regions of a city, and how the nature of the city, including its topography, waterfront, people and culture, provide tourism value far greater than those of commercialized attractions (touristed landscapes). This was discussed with a case study of San Francisco and in relation to Hong Kong's arts, culture, politics and waterfront development planning.

Presentation Download 


14 Jun 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 5 - Waterfront Heliport -- Air Taxi to China?

Chris Buchholz, Hong Kong Regional Heliport Working Group, and Wilson Fung, Deputy Secretary of Economic Development and Labour Bureau, HKSARG, spoke at the fifth in the series of Harbour Roundtable Luncheons on "Waterfront Heliport --Air Taxi to China?"

Mr Buchholoz's Speech
Mr Fung's Speech
Q & A

9 Jun 2006

Speaker Luncheon Series V - Dr. Stephen Davies

Dr. Stephen Davies, Museum Director of Hong Kong Maritime Museum, shared his valuable experience and knowledge on Hong Kong's Historic Harbourfront. He proposes that the Hong Kong's harbourfront could be an open book illustrating the heart of our territory's story.

Download Presentation


8 Jun 2006

"My Harbour"Design Competition Prize Presentation and Exhibition 

My Harbour Design Compeition Details


24 May 2006

Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Harbour Luncheon

On May 24 Larry Beasley, Co-Director of Planning of the City of Vancouver, gave an analysis on how Vancouver's waterfront planning is resulting in an asset that is attracting people to live, work, play and visit in ever increasing numbers. He showed us how good planning with emphasis on mixed use, controlled massing and open spaces and respect for the human scale can increase a city's competitive advantage in many areas. The transcript of his speech will be loaded as a case study on our website.

Christine Loh, Chair of Civic Exchange, presented planning options for the Central and Wan Chai waterfront that showed improvements to the Government's Plans based on principles similar to the Vancouver experience. 

Download Larry Beasley Presentation 
Download Christine Loh presentation
External Link: www.designinghongkong.com 


23 May 2006

"Creating Valuable Cities" Conference

The May 23 conference was a great success with enlightening presentations from a diverse range of speakers. Topics ranged from The Ingredients for a Vibrant, Sustainable City' to ways of accessing ‘Values' of communities. Conference papers and presentations will be available on the ULI website. A straw poll was taken to rate various waterfront locations around Victoria Harbour, the results showed that with the exception of TST, all other waterfronts locations were rated by the 150 delegates with less than the 50% pass mark.


Importance ranking

1 = Poor
4 = Good







Wan Chai



Causeway Bay



West Kowloon



Kai Tak



Sheung Wan



Kennedy Town



North Point



Urban Land Institute Link


22 May 2006

Placemaking workshop I by Fred Kent - TST

Over 70 participants took part in Hong Kong's first PPS Placemaking workshop on May 22. The workshop used the Star Ferry bus terminus and the Cultural Centre Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui as site for the exercise. Learning from the world-renowned Placemaking expert– Mr Fred Kent, the participants quickly learnt the necessary ingredients for creating successful public spaces and how to evaluate places using these criteria. The workshop was attended by a broad range of Government, businesses, NGO and University representatives and unveiled startling opportunities (Cultural Centre's buttresses are non-structural and therefore removable) for the area. A report summarising the findings will be compiled and issued shortly.

Download Hong Kong Placemaking Waterfront Workshop Report
Download PPS Placemaking presentation 
Link to article on Project on Public spaces


16 May 2006

Lunch with Michael Suen, Permanent Secretary for Housing Planning and Lands

As part of our continuing dialogue with Government, a number of HBF Patrons held a small lunch meeting with Michael Suen, Permanent Secretary for Housing Planning and Lands. We exchanged views and HBF reiterated our HBF reiterated our position on the need for a holistic vision for the harbour and the need for a single agency to oversee the management of the harbour.


12 May 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 4 - Star Ferry and the 'CharM'of the Harbourfront

Mr. Frankie Yick, Managing Director, The Star Ferry Company, Limited, and Dr Alvin Ngai-kuen Kwok, Chairman of CHarM of Harbour Enhancement Committee, outlined the current designs for the new Star Ferry pier in Central, planning studies for the TST bus terminus site and process for the public participation process for ‘CHarM' Central piers enhancement project.

Mr. Yick's Speech 
Dr Kwok's Speech 
Dr Kwok's Speech 
Q & A


26 Apr 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Walk 2 - TST to Hunghom

Over 35 participants took part at our second Harbour Walk from TST to Hunghom. We learned the history of the Kowloon waterfront, existing arrangements of management (public and private) for the promenade, current beautification projects, KCRC hopes for a major upgrading of their waterfront land and opportunities at Hunghom waterfront. The participants were rewarded at the end with a pleasant evening of drinks and snacks at Hong Kong Harbour Plaza's Waterfront Terrace.

View photo album  (photos by HKGCC)
Download infopack


30 Mar 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 3 - Central Planning Review 

Mr. Bosco Fung, Director of Planning Department presented the Government's plans for the Central Harbourfront. Mr. Steven Townsend and Mr Sylvester Wong of HOK presented the HBF review of these plans showing where problems exist and where improvements can be made to enhance the plans. Over 80 participants attended the roundtable and Mr. Nicolas Brooke moderated the session. The discussion, as always, was very lively and people questioned the need for the groundscraper, the nature of P2 roadway (parkway vs highspeed carriageway), the reason why pedestrian linkages to the waterfront were restricted to a single elevated shopping centre, and also some expressed very personal feeling on the destruction of historical symbols and heritage of the Harbour. 

Mr Fung's Speech
HOK's Speech 
Q & A 

Download Presentations:
Mr. Bosco Fung's Presentation
HOK's Presentation 


3 Mar 2006

Speaker Luncheon Series IV - Prof Rinio Bruttomesso

Prof Rinio Bruttomesso, Director General of International Centre Cities on Water, Venice, Italy, gave a presentation on "Waterfront Development - A strategic choice for cities on water." The presentaiton gave insights on international developments and focused on the 10 principles developed by the Centre and Wasserstadt GbmH, Berlin.

Secure the quality of water and the environment
Waterfronts are part of the existing urban fabric
The history identity gives character
Mixed use is a priority
Public access is a prequisite
Planning in public private partnerships speeds the process
Public Participation is an element of sustainability
Waterfronts are long term projects
Revitalisation is an ongoing process
Waterfronts profit from international networking

Download presentation
Download transcript


2 Mar 2006

Water Development Forum - China Maritime 2006

Keynote: Prof Rinio Bruttomesso, Director General, International Centre Cities on Water, Venice, Italy
Theme: Waterfront Development – A strategic choice for
cities on water

Dr Stephen Davies, Museum director, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Kong Kong 
Theme: Waterfronts as Memory 

Marine Department, Hong Kong 
Theme: A Vibrant Harbour that Never Sleeps 

Dr Andrew L Thomson, Chief Executive Officer, Business Environmental Council, Hong Kong
Theme: Results of public survey of uses of and attitudes to Victoria Harbour 

Mr Nicholas Brooke, Chairman, Professional Property Services, Hong Kong 
Theme: Hong Kong Harbour 

Raymond W M Wong, Chief Town Planner/Sub Regional, Planning Department, Hong Kong
Theme: Waterfront Development in Aberdeen Harbour 

Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Hong Kong
Theme:Preserving the Vibrancy and Diversity of Victoria Harbour: A Sports Association's Perspective 

China Maritim Link


24 Feb 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Walk 1 - Causeway Bay to Central

Over 50 participants took part at our first Harbour Walk from Causeway bay to Central. We were richly informed along the way by our 10 expert speakers on the proposals for Wan Chai waterfront, opportunity for a world class promenade, design issues for waterfront open spaces, and proposals for Tamar and the Central reclamation.

View photo diary
Download infopack


14 Feb 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 2 - After the Aiport, What Future for Kai Tak?

Raymond Li, Kowloon District Planning Officer, Planning Department, outlined at the Chamber's second Harbour Roundtable Luncheon Series on February 14 suggested strategies to develop Kai Tak.

Download presentation


24 Jan 2006

HBF & HKGCC Harbour Roundtable 1 - Wan Chai Development Phase II

Mr Leung Kong Yui from the HEC gave details of the current status of Wan Chai shoreline planning and insights of public participation. Dr. Hung Wing Tat from HK Polytechnic University, shared his critical views of the process. Questions focused on reclamation issues, urgency for a holistic planning review for Hong Kong and the role of HEC.

Download presentation


11 Jan 2006

British Chamber of Commerce - HBF Progress

HBF Chairman Mr. Andrew Long addressed the British Chamber of Commerce on HBF progress at a breakfast meeting on 11 January 2006. HBF current position, updates on our research and representations and our plans for 2006 were outlined.

Download presentation


24 Nov 2005

Speaker Luncheon Series III - Role of Public Consultation
in Urban Regeneration

The Harbour Business Forum, in partnership with the British Council, held a luncheon on the Role of Public Consultation in Urban Regeneration. The international speakers were:

a) The London Olympics -
global agendas and local perspectives
By Mr. Steve McAdam; Founder and Director, Fluid UK

Fluid is part of the London Olympic 2012 masterplanning team responsible for all aspects of stakeholder consultation, public sector engagement and responsive masterplanning. We looked at how participatory design has led the masterplanning of the winning London 2012 Olympics masterplan which takes into account of the short term needs of the Olympics and the ‘legacy plans' to serve the long term needs of the existing and surrounding neighborhoods, based on public engagements and consultations.

Key points:

Community participation at early stage to help form brief
Extensive programs , varied scale, and use of different forms of media to connect with all levels of community
Continual feedback to community
Systematic analysis of information to extract information

Download presentation

b) Big Drops in Small Ponds:
creating movements for local change
By Mr. David Barrie; Executive Producer Channel 4 Television UK,
Member of the Project Castleford Steering Group

A look at the process of a community-driven regeneration of the former coal-mining town of Castleford, Yorkshire, UK. The project is on site with work commissioned from leading architects, landscape designers and visual artists from around the world. Starting with a grant of HK$1.4m from Channel 4, the project has leveraged ?180m (HK$ 2.5bn) of additional new investment in to the town and engaged thousands of local people in the renewal of their community. 

Key points:

Encourage community participation and ownership – federal support structure
Encourage self-organisation
Create positive investment climate
Connect regeneration with consumer economy & popular culture
Importance of visible progress
Self-realisation = Connected people = spirit of inclusion = new identity

Download presentation


12 Nov 2005

Harbour-front Enhancement Committee - Consolidation Forum 

HEC held a consolidation forum to share with the public the comments and proposals received during the public engagement activities. HBF's submitted our response to HEC detailing our views on the forum summary.

Link – HEC
HBF comments


10 Nov 2005 HBF Member's Briefing I

HBF provided our membership an overview of our recent activities and outlined our future plans and directions. We also gave or members a preview of our completed and ongoing research which included our harbour audit and the Harbour Vision and Guidelines.
6 Oct 2005

Urban Land Institute Reception 

Following their successful waterfront development conference in Singapore, International organization Urban Land Institute held a reception here in Hong Kong. They have the following initial succinct recommendations for Hong Kong:

1. The Harbour is Hong Kong.
2. The time for Vision is NOW!
3. Think big. Start small.
4. Make the Harbour a priority.
5. Empower a "Champion".

'Waterfront Revitalization – a global perspective' booklet
'Regenerating Hong Kong's Harbour' presentation


3-4 Oct 2005

Urban Land Institute conference 

Singapore ULI/URA International Waterfront and Downtown Development Conference

Read Urban Land Institute President Richard Rosan's keynote speech on waterfront revitalisation here.


21 Sept 2005

Business Environment Council - Urban Regeneration Conference

EnviroSeries 2005 - Urban Regeneration: A Key To Hong Kong's Sustainable Future



20 Sept 2005

Speaker Luncheon Series II - International Experts Share Experience in Harbour Development

a) London's riverside - past, present, future.
By Mr. Richard Brown, Head of Thames Gateway and Urban Projects, Greater London Authority

London is growing faster than at any time for fifty years, and is consolidating its position as the leading financial and business centre of Europe. But problems – of environmental quality, transport congestion, and social and environmental inequality – persist. Mr. Brown set out London's strategic context, and the policies and delivery mechanisms that aim to deliver the city's strategic plan.

Key points:

The need to link a fragmented riverside, "preserved" industrial sites - to understand linkages and integration complexity.
A framework for Principles of development and a framework for Design.
Look forward to 2016 (ie Long Term) with plans and diagrams and with selection of new 'hubs' already made.
The need to manage co-locations ('housing' next to 'waste management').
Must fight off temptation to bite off prime sites, leaving sites in between disjointed and under-developed.
Allow development to take place but don't let it 'rip'!
Understand scale and take the long term view.

Download presentation

b) Regeneration of Melbourne Docklands
By Mr. Mark Allan, General Manager of Environment and Design, VicUrban

Melbourne Docklands is Australia's largest waterfront urban renewal project, comprising 160 hectares of developable land and 40 hectares of water. VicUrban is the State Government of Victoria's agency facilitating the private sector development of seven mixed-use precincts with an estimated value of AUD$9 billion (HKD$53 billion).

Key points:

True partnership between government and the Private sector.
A long term plan (1998-2020) - costing AUD9+ billion, funded 90:1 by the Private sector.
Need 'events' to bring people in - safety and accessibility key.
Cities have a 24 hour lifestyle - need to blend/co-habit to create vibrancy.
10 key Principles - adopted without hesitation and without compromise.
The '30 meters' rule - no arguments - developers MUST deliver public space to the city.
Prepared to re-route major highways to create suitable, developable space.
A 'framework' against which all development proposals are rigorously assessed.
Private developers see value in adding generous public space.
Lessons learned - vision shared; working partnerships.

Download presentation


7 Sept 2005

Government Presentation to Harbour Business Forum Patrons

Government made a presentation of its harbour plans to HBF Patrons which focused on the Central District extension area, including the Tamar site. The presentation can be downloaded here. 


3 Sept 2005

Harbour-front Enhancement Committee

Expert Panel Forum on Sustainable Transport Planning and Central-Wan Chai Bypass. 


18 Jul 2005

Presentation of Kai Tak Development Review

The Harbour-Front Enhancement Committee's Sub-Committee on South East Kowloon Development Review the progress of the Kai Tak Development reviewto HBF members. The presentation was informative and a lively Q&A session was held afterwards. Key points made by HBF included:

Holistic and integrated planning and for the assessment of all territorial needs, both on and around the harbour.
Criteria, including economic, social, environmental, planning, transport, for determining what waterfront project are needed.
A clear and transparent valuation process for these projects.
Adoption of the Harbour Planning Principles by all levels of the government and the community.
Due process and transparency to be observed in the consultation process.

Download presentation


13 Jul 2005

Speaker Luncheon Series I - Joseph Brown

Joseph E. Brown who is President and CEO of EDAW, masterplanners for the winning London 2012 Olympics bid, talked about the importance of the public realm in the successful remaking of urban places and highlighted the creation of great waterfronts. He also discussed the importance of comprehensive approach to city making and the contribution this generates in terms of social, economic and environmental value. 

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2 Jun 2005

Harbour Business Forum Launch

The formal launch of HBF on June 2 was a success and we received much coverage in the press. Please find more details in News Articles